The cheeses of Patagonia sheep have a stressed flavor due to the dry and perfumed pastures of the region. This gratin allows to fully appreciate these features.
for 2 portions
150 g. | SHEEP CHEESE |
25 g. | BUTTER |
50 cc. | OLIVE OIL |
50 g. | PLUM RAISINS |
0.01 g. | XANTAN RUBBER |
Make a creamy sweet potatoes purée. Make an emulsion with oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Add xantan rubber and stabilize, chop the plum raisins and add to the emulsion.
Cut slices and triangles of cheese and take them to the oven at 180ºC. during some minutes.
The milk from sheep competes with the one from cows. It is used in several preparations and different products are made of it, like yoghurt, and some kinds of cheese. They are produced of a very hard, granular and spicy paste, as well as more elastic and strong flavored. There also are half soft, natural and smoked.
“This book, which is a great map of flavors of Argentine regions to visit, is rich and varied.”
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